Such a long time i had never been for jungle tracking...If not mistaken,i think was after finished my primary school,today Bibi and me went to Bukit Tinggi:)Japanese Village...
We lose for few minutes and so we asked for direction:)
We lose for few minutes and so we asked for direction:)
Tat's me:)Just a little bit of light make up...
Am i looks sick???haha
45 min journey and we reached:)So we started our journey...
See~~~The fish...
I looks tired right???But still peace V^^ can see it everyway...I started to like the beauty of natural:)
The air was fresh...No DARK SMOKE from factory~~!!
Who said i only know to shopping???xoxo
Xiiao Yin in Japan now!!!LOL
What a day dream?!
My hubby~
I looks super fair in this pictures:)
Then we went for Rabbits Park:)
Lots of rabbits running under my leg~xixi
Bi looks so cute in this picture:)
The rabbit was so so so hard to catch~And FINALLY 2gether we did it:)
Nothings gonna change my love for you~muackx
Continue our jouney to Colmar Tropicale:)
Wow,what a pose???xixi
Nice view:)is the first time i came over here:)
Hug you tight so that you cannot run away^^
Pictures all the way long...
Life can be so colourful like this:)
Suddenly i saw a huge Teddy~~wahaha
Is so huge,bigger than me")
I asked Bi to joined for pictures with the Teddy:)I do like Teddy much~
Ding Dong Bell~X'mas left 4 more days:)
Bibi + me~~~
I love HIM*
Stand by for a swim???No way...
I totally cannot swim!haha
Since i cannot swim,so i just can TOUCH the water~...xixi
Bi so skinny~~~'In Malay we called this 'kurus kering'wahaha
I enjoyed all the moment with you,bi...
Keep holding on:)Love you