Last Sunday,my three babes decided to celebrate my birthday with me at Sunway Pyramid~

From left to right,Jcc Yann,Vone and Vivi=]babe, I love you~

We went Thai Thai for our lunch~It was a nice and warm place for lunch^^ We had order some nice food from the restaurant~

The famous mango salad~

Tom Yam in white=] Did u guys taste this before? It was super spicy but it's damn nice!

Pandan chicken comes with special home made chilis~

Hot and spicy steam fish•••

And a coconut drinks~ yeah

Thx for the cute cupcakes~ it's really cute!!!

A picture with my Bibi~

The cupcakes from diff angle=]

Special thx to my three babes=]

Of course my Bibi too=] always accompany me to joined my friends•••

A picture from Miinii instant cam for memory=] love you girls and Happy Birthday to myself^^