27 July 2009

26 July 2009
Sakae Sushi
Such a long time dint hang out with her ady...
We decide to shopping and lunch at pyramid...
Ermmm,i not feeling to wear hair extention today...
So,going out with the 'mushroom'hair...xixi
When she first see me,she was like why cut till so so short...
I long time dint shooping ady...
But today juz buy few things...
Then we go Sakae Sushi for lunch...
Today i looks bit diff izit???
cause i trying another fake leshes...
I dont think is suit me...sigh
We talk lots bout our office job...
What we eat today??
In the nitez we go Time Square Neway...
22 July 2009
I colour back my hair into BLACK again...
this time is short and black...
Frens said it's cute")
1 of my said:xy,u know what???your hair look like mushroom now...
I know is a little bit like Old School look,but i like it...
What do you think???
At Least better than the GOLD hair...xoxo
Do you girls know this year hair fashion is short hair???
So why dont you have a try???maybe you'll like it?just like me...
I really love my short hair...
Easy comb
Easy wash
Easy style
Its makes you looks more fashionable and cute^^
I really bored with my long hair...
But sometimes i'll still miss it...
20 July 2009
Long time ago i ady so wish to go over there...
but i dont know bout the location...sign...
Sunday is family day so my dad bring us there^^
Full house location at NIU ZHE SHUI...Sri Damansara area...if not mistaken la^^xoxo
No worry frenz,i had get the map for you all:)
I know not so clear,but just a info for those like me...
Want to go but got no idea with the location^^
Today's me...
I reached jor~~~can't wait to go in and had a visit^^
Photograph by me")
My skills not bad right???xoxo
My pretty mummy and dad!!!
Is my mum pretty enough???Yes,she is!!!
Still hot chicks like us:)
I got bit lose control while saw the car...
So,i dont care what they said...juz sit n camwhore~~~
Full House really such a nice place for meal...
comfortable enviroment and food not bad oso la...
This is my family...
But my elder bro not here:(
Start order,i'm getting hungry that moment~
I took pictures for the menu oso...am i crazy???xixi
The food really not bad...prise cheap oso^^
After dinner,i went 1U for movie")
i will visit Full house in the future...FOR sure i promise:)
Ice Age...

Funny cartoon for me...cause i laugh badly in the cinema....
Guys dont miss this...i think 3D will be better^^
Is time to sleep,Ciao*
14 July 2009
Shut the FUCKING mouth

13 July 2009

I know i'm outdated...
I know i'm so damn late to watch this movie...
and FINALLY i watched it on today...
maybe i'm too busy,maybe maybe maybe too many maybe...
I really like this movie much...
nothing special to post...just a simple life right now...
Don't know why nowadays i miss my long hair much:(
i having my dinner at JUST THAI...
Wow,the food was so so so delisious!!!
fall for Thai food actually...
that's my tom yam seafood^^
And this is the Famous Pineapple fried rice...looks nice right???
How come i'm on diet now,but i like eating more and more???