Everybody knows that I'm a big kitty fans!!!
I really really got lotsa kitty collection in my room...arhggg
I hope that each of my daily use are kitty^^
Kitty all the time...
New collection of passport cover and luggage tag^^

Yesterday night when for movie...
Thai scary movie-Sound from the grave*if not mistaken
The month end of May had gave me a good lessson...
Truth friends will always stay by your side because they believe in you with the heart...
When you upset,they will try to cheer you with anything...
Accompany you,Whatsapp you,Talkbox you!!!
Anything just to bring you up and makes you smile...
One of my special buddy even made some jokes to makes me smile:)
I know what am i going to do the next:)
Stay strong without tears...I know i can do it...!!!