Halo peeps,
Today is a beautiful Wednesday ^^(Because it is Selangor state Public Holiday)
I'm not working and guess what? I just wake up from my bed...
On my lappie and checking my mail and FB, I found out there are lots of you asking me the same question again again and again...
#What apps are you using to edit this?
#How you edit this?
Alright,today I'm gonna blog about this:) I hope it can help you to edit all your pic:)
Here we go...

Apps#Pic Frame-For the 4 seperate Flame
#美图秀秀-Editing the colour effect
#Princess Cam-Add on cute stamp
#Instaplus-Frames colour

Apps#美图秀秀-Edit colour and Flame
#Labelbox- For words
#Princess Cam-Love shape stamp

Apps#Pic Frame

Apps#Pic Frame + Marron ( For love shape stamp)

#Princess Cam

Apps#Pic Frame

Apps#Pic Frame + Labelbox

Apps#Princess Cam + Labelbox
After read this,you'll know that actually I'm using few apps to edit all my pic^^
so, you can dl all this app from your app store:)
Easy and nice apps...
Really hope that it could help you to solve your prob of editing pic...
Btw, I'm not drawing my eyebrown girls,
I had embroid my eyebrown @ Bluunis, Sunway Pyramid,
So it makes me had a nice shape of eyebrown with drawing it anymore:)
And it's look more natural^^
Anyone who want to call for booking,you can check this detail:
Kuala Lumpur-Sungei Wang Plaza
03-21426185/ 03-21426186
Mid Valley City
03-22834128/ 03-22834129
Sunway Pyramid
03-56221968/ 03-56221969
Subang Parade
03-56367328/ 03-56368328
The Curve
03-77261839/ 03-77262839
Alright,is time to stop,gonna go for pedicure later on:)