I'm lazy to type today,so let's the picha do the talk for me:)
Went for a late dinner last saturday night @ Rakuzen...

Yumyum...!!!Do you love japanese food like me?hehe

Took lots of picha but so sorry lazy to upload all here...
can check it out at my FB if free:)

Then we went to i-city which located @ Klang...
I know i'm outdated,now only get a chance to visit i-city...

Me and hub had fun in a small little shop inside the i-city...
There were lotsa cute and special things:)

Can you see how happy is he?ahahaha

And moi with the cute minni hairband^^

Around 11pm,meet up Sharley and his bf at klang centre for a drink^^

Simply like this picture with no reason...

I'm getting thinner and thinner...gosh!!!
I wan a fair fair skin....
Can i???

Lastly,post a pic with my hub^^
Love you always...